Lessons for living a long and happy life

What is the secret to living a long life? A recent study asked this question of 100 people who have lived to 100 or older. Here are some of their key lessons for living a long and happy life.

  1. Be grateful. Be thankful for the people, opportunities, and experiences in your life. Feel happy and positive about what you have in life. Take pleasure in the simple things.
  2. Be kind to others, and to yourself. This doesn’t mean you have to be nice all the time, but to treat others with respect and consideration.
  3. Be generous. Not especially in the financial sense, but by being generous of nature, available for others, and a supportive and helpful person.  
  4. Take care of your body and take care of your mind. Keep active, look after your health, and eat and drink well.
  5. Focus on the present moment (don’t live in the past or future). Don’t let your past define you. Learn from your mistakes – and don’t beat yourself up about them. They’re part of the learning process!
  6. Do what you love to do, and don’t be afraid to fail – it’s just one step closer to success! And be brave enough to take risks.
  7. Do the best that you can. Try not to worry. Whatever comes, take it easy. Think positive and be optimistic.
  8. Make time for family, friends and the people who matter most in your life and let go of people who don’t. You only get one shot at life – don’t waste it on people who don’t appreciate you.
  9. Don’t spend money on possessions or things that don’t matter – use it for experiences instead. This includes travel, music festivals, or anything else that brings you joy or meaning in your life.

This is a link to the original article to read it in full. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/feb/18/100-centenarians-100-tips-for-a-life-well-lived

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