Blueprint for a life of longevity

Getting older is unavoidable, however we can take steps to delay the aging process. By embracing a blueprint for a life of longevity and changing how we eat, think, exercise and live, it is possible to add years to our lives. With changes in lifestyle it’s possible to feel healthier of mind and body, and to reduce the effects, signs, and symptoms of aging.  

Healthy eating

What we choose to eat, drink, and consume, all contribute directly to our overall health, and to our rate of aging. There are some foods and substances that are pro-aging, and others that are anti-aging. Limiting our intake of the former and increasing our intake of the latter, is a great way to promote longevity.

To live longer and healthier lives, the consistent advice is to follow a diet that is geared towards:

  • Eating more fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
  • Consuming more foods that are known to promote longevity and that have anti-aging benefits. Foods such as kale, broccoli, spinach, fatty fish, dark chocolate, berries, mushrooms, and walnuts.
  • Drinking more water, and drinking green tea and coffee.
  • Opting to eat poultry and fish as sources of animal protein.
  • Reducing the consumption of red meat as a source of animal protein.
  • Consuming less highly processed foods. Think of packaged foods, processed meats, ready-meals, and snack foods.
  • Limiting sugary foods and opting for low-sugar varieties of foods. This includes foods such as sweets, pastries, cakes, sodas, and doughnuts.
  • Avoiding unhealthy fats, saturated fats, and trans fats.
  • Drinking less alcohol or abstaining altogether.

Healthy body


By engaging in regular exercise not only can you slow the aging process, you can potentially reverse at least some of it, and possibly protect against future health issues.

Maintaining a weekly exercise routine that includes some cardiovascular exercise (such as walking) and some strength training exercises (such as lifting weights or calisthenics), can have many benefits including:

  • Strengthening muscles and bones.
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Helping to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Increasing vitality and endurance.
  • Enhancing mental sharpness and wellbeing.
  • Improving quality of sleep.

Taking ownership of your fitness and the health of your body is a priority for a life of longevity. You have to be your own health champion and empower yourself to take action if you want to be healthy.


Getting enough quality sleep is essential for good health as the body repairs itself during sleep. A lack of sleep can accelerate aging and lead to the onset of aging related diseases.

The general advice is to aim for eight hours of good quality sleep. Establishing a sleep routine is important in order to regularly achieve sufficient sleep.

Healthy mind

How we think, feel and act affects our health mentally and physically. Happiness, having purpose and goals in life, and a lack of stress, can all contribute to longevity. Studies show that people who are social tend to live longer, happier lives.

Things that can be beneficial for our mental health and wellbeing include: 

  • Limiting our exposure to stress or the triggers of stress.
  • Keeping the mind active through learning, experiences and doing fulfilling activities.
  • Being part of a community and having quality social interactions.
  • Contributing to life in a meaningful way and having a sense of purpose. 
  • Having consistent contact with family and friends.
  • Spending time in the outdoors and connecting with nature.
  • Leading an active life and keeping fit with regular exercise.
  • Having fun, laughing, and embracing the lighter side of life.
  • Taking time to meditate or pursuing mindfulness practices.
  • Keeping the brain healthy by engaging in activities that challenge the mind.

Healthy soul

Whether it’s thought of as soul or spirit, finding ways to nourish our soul is consistently associated with promoting an improved sense of happiness, health, and wellbeing.

As individuals we can find this through religion, regular prayer, a connection with nature, or through acts of kindness, generosity, forgiveness, and gratitude.

In summary, a blueprint for a life of longevity is mainly about our lifestyle; incorporating fitness and exercise, nutrition and diet, sleep, living intentionally, and being social through our relationships, family and friendships.

There are exciting advancements in technology and preventive health that will also play a part in extending lifespan and improving health span. These will be the basis of future articles to be published.

Image credit: Alexas Fotos / Pexels